Hello I'm

Mengxuan Ma

I'm a research engineer who has a strong interest in healthcare applications with a background of embedded system, machine learning and computer vision. I love playing with data and new techologies. I have been working on healthcare-related projects in Center for Eldercare & Rehabilitation Technology since 2016. Our mission is to create technology for proactive healthcare.

Project Highlight

Help people with technologies!

Daily Activity Recognition and Assessment System

A system that is able to classify daily activities in real home environments and quantitatively evaluate upper body motions while preserving privacy by utilizing depth videos.

Assessment in a Kinect Based Rehabilitation Game

Perform the quatitative assessment in a stroke rehabilitation game. Validate the assessment outcome using a gold-standard optical motion capture system.

Angel-Echo: a Personalized Health Care Application

a smart application that monitors health status by combining the data collection capabilities of the Angel sensor and the voice interfacing capabilities of the Amazon Echo.

Assistive Adjustable Smart Shower System

an assistive adjustable smart shower system, which is capable to detect the user’s abilities and disabilities, therefore provide the necessary aids automatically.


Movie Recommendation System

Build a movie recommendation system using an autoencoder network to predict the ratings for movies.


Personnel Detection using Signal Scavenging with a Programmable System on Chip

A personnel detection system, Smart Carpet, which can detect the walking of older adults.

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